Write For US

Write for us "technology"

Engrtechhub.com is a platform where startup entrepreneurs, investors ,founders and technology enthusiasts come every day with the unique contents. We would like to encourage all the technology, business, latest news, software and sport writers to write for us.

For that purpose we currently accept guest/blog post on our website from freelancers, business owners, from different countries like United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Brazil, Australia and many more other European countries.

What We look for in the Posts:

When you want to write for us, you need to write a well researched articles on different trending topics like Technology, Business, Sports, Latest news and Software.

Your Articles should include: 

  • Subject Line: Guest Post
  • Previously Published Articles
  • Topics Ideas
  • Links of Social Media Profiles for Author Bio
  • Send the Article here

Our Guidelines For guest/blog posts Submissions:

Real Content:

the content you submit must be real, you should must have the write to use it.

Not Self Promoting:

If you include a link to your website or blog if it is relevant, then your submitted content should not include promotional materials.

Free From Errors:

When you want to submit the content you should check all the errors in the content before the submission that it is free from errors.

Correct SEO format:

You need to fully follow all guidelines about quality contents, keywords density, heading tags, sentence length etc.

We Don’t give Publishing Guarantee:

The submission of the content does not guarantee the publishing of the content because we do not accept posts related to casino, adults, dating, trading, vape ,betting etcetera

  • Allow Sharing 

You must also be okay with us sharing your article on our blog, as well as on social media .


We publish the contents after receiving in 2 Business days or sometimes it may take longer if you errors in the contents.

Write For us on the these ideas:


. Business

. Software

. Sports

. Latest News

How to Submit Your Articles?

If your articles are ready you can share with us on the following details.

Send us email through engrtechhub@gmail.com with following information.


You can write for us to introduce yourself in short words

Complete article:

Your article must be ready before sending to us.

Subject line:

Add Guest post submissions in the subject line.

We will be looking forward to publish your articles and honoring you as a guest writer.